Tim Silverwood is an award-winning environmentalist committed to reducing human impacts on the natural world.
A keen surfer, Tim became alarmed at the risks plastic pollution posed to oceans and wildlife, co-founding the not-for-profit organisation Take 3 for the Sea in 2009. Take 3 mobilises people across the globe to respond to the plastic crisis by taking 3 pieces of plastic with them when they leave the beach, waterway or…anywhere.
After ten years building Take 3 into a social movement and successful charity, Tim co-founded Ocean Impact Organisation (OIO) in 2020. OIO is Australia’s first startup accelerator and innovation ecosystem dedicated to scaling solutions improving ocean health. OIO has supported 99 startups and entrepreneurs since 2020 through a range of innovation programs and initiatives.
A key goal for OIO is to help drive $100M of investment into ocean impact startups in 5 years, and in doing so, see the Australia-Pacific region become a leader in ocean health innovation.
Tim is a TEDx speaker, passionate presenter and media personality who delivers a firm, reasoned and insightful case for ‘business as unusual’ to transform the way we treat Planet Ocean and its inhabitants.